Own Correspondent: There are 17 workers in ward number 29 of Dhaka North City Corporation. But on Tuesday morning, only eight of them did the work of extermination. That is, more than half of the workers or 9 people did not work yesterday.
According to North City rules, firefighting crews are supposed to begin work by 8:30 a.m. But yesterday, the pest control workers of ward number 29 went to work sometime after 9 am.
Mosquito extermination is done under the supervision of Health Department of Dhaka North City Corporation. Ward No. 29 falls under DNCC Zone No. 5.
Assistant Health Officer in charge of DNCC Zone 5 SM Wasimul Islam said about half of the mosquito control workers not attending work and starting work late – he was on long leave. He returned to the country yesterday (Tuesday). He also said that from now on, there will be no such negligence on the part of Mashkindhan workers.
Ward No. 29 of Dhaka North City with surrounding areas including Taj Mahal Road, Shahjahan Road, Aziz Mohalla, Jahuri Mohalla, Bijli Mohalla, Tikkapara in Mohammadpur. The population of this ward is about 1 lakh 20 thousand. There are 17 workers involved in pest control. Among them, the City Corporation owns three employees. The remaining 14 are engaged on daily wage basis through contractors.
Seven contractors and two City Corporation employees were absent from work yesterday. The City Corporation officer (supervisor) who is in charge of supervising the pest control work in this ward was also absent yesterday.
Yesterday morning at 8:40 am, it was seen that the Moshaknidhan workers were sitting in the office of the ward number 29 adjacent to Krishi Market in Mohammadpur. Someone is busy on the phone, someone is relaxing on the chair. After a while, the workers started preparing to leave for work. Some took the mosquito spray machine, others started filling the bottle with mosquito spray. After nine o’clock in the morning, they left the office to spray mosquito repellent.