New Vice-Chancellor (Administrative) of Chittagong University has been appointed. Professor of History and Culture of Islam. Sekander Chowdhury will serve in this position for the next four years. He is the first vice-chancellor in the history of Chittagong University. No one has been appointed to this post before.
This recruitment information has been announced in a notification published by the Secondary and Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education on Wednesday. He took charge at around two o’clock after the publication of the notification.
According to the notification of the Ministry of Education, “with the approval of the President and the Acharya and according to Article 14(1) of the University Act 1973, Professor Md. Sekander Chowdhury has been appointed as Vice-Chancellor (Administration) of the University.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Md. Five conditions are mentioned in the appointment of Sekander Chowdhury. These are –
1. His term of appointment as Vice-Chancellor (Administration) is four years from the date of joining. However, where applicable, he will complete the remainder of the said period after completing the formalities of retirement by reverting to the original post on completion of regular service age.
2. In this post, he will get the same salary and allowance as the current post.
3. Besides enjoying all the related benefits as per rules, he will stay in the campus.
4. He can exercise the powers prescribed by the statutes and laws of the University.
5. The appointment can be canceled at any time if the President or Acharya deems it necessary.