A. League’s initiative to resolve the conflict at the grassroots level
The ruling party Awami League has decided to quickly complete the expired district and upazila conference to eliminate differences at the grassroots level. And in the units where the conference was held but the full committee was not formed, it is said that it has been decided to make the committee full.
The central leaders of Awami League held a meeting with the leaders and members of Parliament of the districts of Rangpur and Chittagong Division last Saturday in Dhaka. Meetings of Khulna Division on April 4 and Mymensingh Division on April 21 are scheduled. After Eid, the central Awami League will also hold meetings with the leaders of other departments.
Sources of the party say that in the meeting of Rangpur and Chittagong divisions, the issue of internal differences and not supporting the candidate in the upazila elections came up again and again. From this, the party’s policy-makers are of the view that the rifts will reduce somewhat if the conference of the expired committees and the fullness of the incomplete committees are completed.
On the other hand, this time the upazila election is not on the party symbol, but the proposal to support a candidate from the party has come from Trinamool. However, the central leadership of Awami League feels that it is not right to support any candidate centrally or on behalf of the central leaders. The Center will not interfere if someone locally decides on a single candidate.
Earlier, the central leaders of Awami League held a meeting with the affiliated organizations at the beginning of the fast. In this meeting as well, recommendations have been made to reconstitute the expired committees through the conference.
In 2019, the grass roots conference of Awami League started before the national conference of the party. Conferences could not be completed in all districts and upazilas before December 2022. Among them, many district and upazila committees
At the beginning of last year, conference activities began across the country. But due to the agitation program of the opposition party, Awami League suspended the process of party reorganization across the country. At that time, the party tried to put pressure on the opposition party by holding processions and gatherings on the streets. Awami League got an absolute majority in the 12th National Parliament election held amid boycott of various parties and alliances including BNP. After the formation of the government, the opposition party has not yet insisted on the Rajpath programme. The policy makers of Awami League consider this situation as the time to organize the organization.
There are 78 organizational districts of Awami League in districts and cities. Of these, nine districts did not have a conference. Chandpur district and Chittagong metropolis are on the list of non-conference. The matter was discussed in a meeting with Chittagong departmental leaders on Sunday.
Apart from this, in the districts where the conference was held, the term expired before the formation of the full committee. Among these, Dhaka Metropolitan North and South Ward and Thana Committees did not take place. A three-member district committee was announced in Brahmanbaria. Meanwhile, the general secretary of that committee has passed away. But there is no full committee yet.
Sources of the party said that the central Awami League’s aim is to complete the conference of the expired committees of the metropolitan, district, upazila, thana and ward Awami League by December 31. At the same time, by March 31 of the next year, full committees of all organizational units should be formed. For that, the preparations for the conference should be started after Eid. It is difficult to hold a party conference during the upazila elections. However, the work of making the committee complete can be done. After the upazila elections, the conference dates of the affiliated organizations can be started.
Awami League Joint General Secretary Mahbub Ul Alam Hanif told Prothom Alo that the conference of the expiring committee will be completed in Chittagong Division by June. Among these, the units which did not have a full committee, will also be completed. About party differences, this leader said, Awami League is a big party. There will be competition for posts. It can also cause monopollution. The work of the Center will be to bridge the gap and eliminate monopolization at the grassroots level.